Painting Gallery

Latest paintings:

Dance Like No One is Watching 35″ x 35″ $1350

Spontaneous revelers take their dance outside under the stars where there is more room to move.

Group Lesson 24″ x 24″ $510

Inspired by my grand daughter’s Suzuki violin lessons

When Everyone has a Gun… 24″ x 24″ $510

Some would like this future and some wouldn’t. Some would think it a necessary evil, others, an arrogant folly. For some it would be their sweet utopia. I just think that this painting is kind of sweet in its own way.

Dancing into the Ecstatic Night $1850

Everyone’s dance realities come together into one big dance party. So great to be lost in the dance. So great to be lost in the crowd. This is a large painting, 65″ x 45″.

Always On My Mind $575

About obsession. 24″ x 22″

Guns, Scams, and Noxious Piety $950 53.5″ x 26″
Hernica $950 53.5″ x 23″

The two previous paintings are inspired by Picasso’s Guernica; one of my favorite paintings. His painting expressed his anguish over the bombing of the town of the same name. This work inspired me to express what comes to my mind when I listen to too much news. Sometimes instead of stressing, its good to just do a painting.

When my brush makes that first contact with the painting surface, I might have a finished work in mind, but nothing is for sure. It’s about interacting with the materials. Paint is forgiving. You can always paint over what you had, giving many opportunities for unplanned insights and the process of figuring things out.

Click on the thumbnails to view them in a larger size. And click here for more information including sizes and prices.